Day 1 of the 10 Day Video Game Challenge

Day 1 of the 10 Day Video Game Challenge.

I am supposed to post just an image, no explanation, from 10 video games that had an impact on me. 10 games, 10 images, 10 nominations. No explanations.

I wasn’t nominated by anyone, I only kept seeing it around and thought it would be fun to do!

Unleash the Tides of Doom


Sorry I’ve been slightly absent.  I got back into World of Warcraft.  Again.

You know how that goes.



I mean, let’s face it; like every other cinematic Blizzard creates, you watch it, and it’s so easy to hop right back in.  Especially when one of your favorite characters is in the cinematic!





(Not Varian. But he’s cool I guess)


I’m hoping this expansion holds my interest a little more than Warlords of Draenor did.  I’ll be honest, the first month was awesome.  I LOVED leveling in Draenor; not having a flying mount didn’t really deter me.  But, because I don’t raid and I don’t PvP, that’s where it fell flat for me.  I hoped to turn my garrison into a cash mine (because having gold and being able to spend it is awesome), but even that fell flat.  I did the occasional mount run, but that’s it really.

I’ll probably start streaming my escapades in the Lost Isles, and some stuff prior to then.  In the mean time, I’m going to relearn how to play my hunter!

…wait, I have a melee spec now?


Tune of Currents – Bombshell from Hell


One of the games I recently picked up during the Steam summer sale was Bombshell.  I played through some of it for a couple of hours.  Overall, it’s okay, but it glitched pretty bad on me.  I wanted to like it more than I did, but can’t win them all.

Although, one of the games strongest points is the music!  I was definitely drawn to the start screen music upon starting the game.


As I played through more, the breakdowns from this music caught me off guard.






What a fun soundtrack!  As frustrated as I got with choppiness of the game, I still want to continue with it.  I’m a huge fan of hard rock and heavy metal, and that really helps with connecting with this game.

When I first heard the name Bombshell (and before I even knew the soundtrack was predominately metal), it reminded me of the song “Bombshell from Hell” by Scum of the Earth.



I’m actually more inspired to start practicing music again, to be honest…






+3 to Armor – Butt Stallion Says Hello


My god, how did these people create Handsome Jack?  Yeah, you want to hate on the villain, but he’s more of a hate to love character, rather than love to hate.



I previously mentioned my Borderlands obsession, so it’s only right I show off one of my favorite shirts in my wardrobe.



No piss for brains here!  There’s really only one word to describe this shirt (and a pony made of diamonds): MAJESTIC.

This shirt can be found at the Gearbox store here!  They’re currently sold out of ladies shirts at the moment, but here’s to hoping they will restock soon!




Attack on Wallet – Steam Sale Haul



No.  Don’t give me that judgmental look that you give to people that buy Steam games.  This shit was AWESOME.

i regret nothing

Some of the stuff I bought was on my wishlist for a long time.  Some weren’t on for that long.  Some weren’t even on the wish list AT ALL.  But, that’s what the summer sale is all about; having you buy games that you don’t really need; between a good price and a good game, what more do you need?



Aquaria is a sidescrolling indie game that caught my eye.  It’s a very intriguing Metroidvania type game you swim instead of platform.  I’ve been drawn (no pun intended) to games with cartoon graphics like this, so I’m excited to try this out.  This game is also about eight years old I believe, and holds up very well.



It took every fiber of my being to avoid this bandwagon.  But after seeing Manchild play it on Xbox One, and played both a Batmobile and a Delorean, I gave it.  Raise the white flag, I’m DONE.



Here’s another bandwagon I tried to avoid.  I failed horribly at it.  I keep hearing and reading good things about it.  The price, even when it’s not on sale, is good. Even I have no excuse to not check this game out.



Bombshell is quite possibly the most guilty pleasure on this list.  Of course I’m a sucker for female protagonists, but I really wanted a game that was like Diablo, but not Diablo. I wanted the isometric, top down, action game.  This fit the bill, and I’m willing to look past the lackluster reviews for a character who’s personality seems to be molded after mine, only way cooler.




Victor Vran is basically the Witcher and Diablo mashed together.  No seriously, the voice actor for Geralt is in the game!  I never hit an “Add to Cart” button so fast…



This was a queue recommendation, and man, this trailer had me HOOKED.  The tone reminded me a lot of Deus Ex, but as a sidescroller.  I love the art, and the cyberpunk theme.  I don’t know too much about cyberpunk, so here’s to this game being a good intro to the theme.



The music in this trailer is so dreamy and romantic.  It was hard to pull away from watching this trailer, then proceeding to buy the game.  This was definitely an impulse buy.  The artwork also has me absolutely enthralled.  This will be a nice change of pace from the fast action of other games I have in my collection.



This is a true diamond in the rough game.  EXTREMELY underrated game.  The story of the studio behind this game is a sad tale; they basically had to sell X amount of copies to break even.  It did not sell right away, and the company went out of business, never to make a sequel.  It’s a very ambitious action RPG game.  This game also falls into the type of games that are my favorite, the basic create your own character, be the hero to you own story.  I played it previously on PS3 (but didn’t get too far into it), so I definitely had to get it for another platform.



This game is basically what Assassin’s Creed Chronicles tried to be.  This game just does it better with the storytelling and the art.  What I love about Mark of the Ninja as well is it’s modern day, so there are guns and technology you have to stealth around.  So excited to finally try it out!



It’s no surprise I have a bit of an obsession with Borderlands games.  As I patiently wait for Borderlands 3 to be announce, I have the games on multiple platforms to hold me over.  I’ve also taken up playing Telltale games the past year or so.  I played this game on PS4 previously, and am excited to laugh again with the PC version.

That’s it for my Steam Summer Sale haul.  I did pretty good I think!  I could have bought WAY more.  Way…way…more…


+3 to Armor – May My Aim Be True

Sorry I’ve been somewhat absent past couple of days. I started working on some other projects and of course networking to make this entertaining blog much more entertaining!

I went to Florida Supercon yesterday, and have much to say (and show!). But, I will delve into that in a later post. In the meantime, I wanted to bring back my outfit of the day posts to keep things going here.

The other day I wore my Sylvanas Windrunner scoop neck shirt!



I love this shirt because of the Horde symbol as her hood.  The skulls on her shoulder pads are awesome too, because skulls.

It’s a versatile top as well; I have dressed it down with jeans and flats, and I’ve dressed it up with leggings, boots, jewelry, and darker makeup.

You can purchase it here from J!NX.

Trailer Reaction – E3 Reveals Part 2

I’m back for another round of E3 trailers.  I know, I know; everyone’s busy with the big Steam Summer Sale at the moment.  Myself included.



While I work on my super ultra summer sale haul for a later post, here are my thoughts on a few more games shown at E3.  If you want to see the first round of trailer reactions I did, check out my post here.



At first I wasn’t to keen on this title.  Much like the Mass Effect trilogy, I wanted God of War 3 to be the end all, be all.  I like that Kratos is older, and gives a little insight to his life after the events in the trilogy.  The over the shoulder camera positioning is WAY different than what we’re normally used to in hack and slash games.  I’m intrigued for sure.  I’m not as well versed in Norse mythology, which is what this game seems to be going for.


I love my PS4 to death.  It’s a great console.  But unfortunately, my library for it is pathetic.  I’m a proponent for console exclusives, and the non-remastered exclusives I have are…not much.  I’m DYING for this new IP.  I love the idea of robot dinosaurs in a post apocalyptic world.  It looks amazing, and it looks like fun!  Like many games that get pushed back, I only hope that the extra time put into the game makes it a good game.




I’m not sure what is going on here.  I’m confused, I’m excited, I’m intrigued, and I’m overall weirded out by this trailer.  It seems like Kojima and Norman Reedus wanted to salvage Silent Hills PT.  My only concern with a game like this is, I hope that this game will stand on its own legs, and not just be a game EXACTLY like Silent Hill.  I sincerely hope that people look at this game and think, “Death Stranding,” and not “What Silent Hills PT Should Have Been.”